Compassionate Family Law Attorneys

An Effective Family Attorney

When a marriage breaks down and there is no possibility of it being repaired, divorce is usually the best solution to bring an end to conflict and stress. Once the relationship is over, it's necessary to unwind the business of the marriage by dividing the assets, arranging for support for any minor children, low or non-wage earner spouse and allocating marital debt.

The adults are responsible for protecting their children from the negative consequences of divorce. Linda refuses to represent any client who wants to use their children to hurt the other parent. She also vigorously pursues consequences for the parent that attempts to do so.

We consider a successful divorce to be one where former spouses can be civil, if not cordial, to each other for the benefit of their children; and there has been a fair and equitable distribution of marital assets. 

Unlike some attorneys, we don't "stir the pot" in order to run up fees by creating problems when resolution is possible. Aggressive tactics are reserved for situations where a spouse or children are at risk and/or abused and/or the other spouse is acting in bad faith. 

You may rely on Linda and staff to make every effort to keep the parties constructively working toward resolution. The Law Offices of Linda Roberts-Ross is the right firm for you. We will work to ensure that your concerns are addressed with the other party and the court.

Family Law Services

  • Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements 
  • Legal Separations
  • Divorce
  • Child and Spousal Support
  • Division of Assets & Debts
  • Child Custody and Visitation 
  • Paternity Actions
  • Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
  • Dissolution of Registered Domestic Partnerships
happy family

Quick Conflict Resolution

As a family-owned and operated law firm, we are dedicated to seeing you through your family law case as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We will get to know you personally and fight for all your rights and needs.
mother and child
"If it wasn't for her guidance and expertise things would have turned out very unfortunate for me and my family. Linda is an extremely kind and intelligent individual. She was genuinely concerned for me, which no other attorney was, and I could tell she wasn't after money, but rather a resolution to my issue."

 - Byron J., Yelp
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